Volume Project

Büyük Ortadoğu Sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı(BOSEV)

Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik Ve Egitim Vakfi (BOSEV, Research Foundation) from Ankara/Turkey was founded as an umbrella structure in 2009 by a group of professionals working in the medical field, additionally from other sectors like education, sports, business world, and ICT

BOSEV aims to support research developments in the medical and in the education sector with its rich staff capacity and high profile background. In regards to this aim, BOSEV hosts medical publications with periodical medical magazines; has 50 management board professionals and 100 members providing ongoing, varied voluntary support; and transfers experience and capacity of over 1000 staff working in BOSEV hospitals, medical centers, clinics and in a media company.

BOSEV R&D Team focuses on developing and introducing solutions for systemic social, education and economic problems. These solutions are developed through various layers of interaction with stakeholders. We believe that quality of life improves when the process of social innovation is leveraged to attain social justice, solve systemic problems and develop solutions that may provide opportunities for individuals and organizations.